my krew

my krew

Friday, February 26, 2010

catching up with old friends

TOday i got to talk to an old friend.. IT was very nice. HOwever it always brings back so many feelings... THere was a lot of people in my life that i think about once in awhile ,but this one i have known for over half my life! HE was always there to help when i needed help and always willing to listen when i needed to talk.

All these feelings came back .. I never thought that i would feel like this it scary how one event can change everything and make you remember things you had forgotten. This friend and i went through hell and back together we have a bond that will always be there and i appreciate it very much.

IN the mean time i did my bright blue , pink and purple makeup with a touch of green liner it always make the sunshine seem brighter.. I love my bright crazy makeup people either love it or hate it ,but hey its just how i felt today.. I like to make people scratch there heads.. I wish i could make the sunshine brighter for my friend and make things different., but i i trust that God knew what he was doing and that my life is going in the direction it should.

Good night all time to get the kiddos in bed.. Have a Great Weekend.. TOmorrow is my anniversary and i am going to smile in knowing that I am leaning to be happy with what i have and not wonder what might have been!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Such is life...

SO last night i was up all night with my youngest daughter for some unknown reason she decided not to sleep. I am exhausted yet still wondering if the makeup i apply is going to help the circles under my eyes.
Today Is just 2 days away from my two year anniversary.. I wonder if it will really turn out to be okay. We got married in vegas it was amazing it was the 2 wedding for both of us so we just wanted to do it. We flew to vegas he proposed offically in front of the Belligo hotel it was beautiful. We recieved a list of rules for a happy marriage. .. I wonder if we followed any of them.
1. Never both be angry at the same time. ( i know we are always angry with each other.)
2. Never yell at each other unless the house is on fire..yes messed up on that on to the house has NEVER been on fire and yes we both yell.. anyway I think we broke every rule on the list. But we are still fighting to stay together.. I still wonder will it really work??? I adore him he is the love of my life ,but marriage is work and sometimes it would be easier to just run, but i am still here and hoping to be for a long long time. If anyone else is reading this I wish you all the best in love and life ... They say its gets better with time, but Does it really? We seemed great at first then the stress of life hit when i lost my job shortly after the wedding ,the baby came and then work is very hard to find.. If i can live through it all i will come out stronger. Have a Great Day and Keep smiling it makes you feel better!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I sit here today and think about all i don't have, but i have to be thankful for the roof over my head ( not the one i want , but it keeps me and my family warm and dry) I have to thank God for my wonderful children. They can be trying and difficult ,but I thank God they are all Healthy. I realize how manty people would love to have what i have. I dont have much money and yes i m in debt ( thats the american way right?) But i have and amazing husband that goes to work every day while I stay at home with kids. Yes i d like to go back to work doing makeup or working in the spa again ,but i am happy at home with my kids.
Things will change as they grow The youngest will still be home for 31/2 years.. The next one will start pre K next year then there will only be one.. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel .
If things look bad and feel hard it really will change. I have been through hell and back ,but i still keep fighting. I thank God i am able to breath, I am able to see, I can walk, I can chace my kids, and i can yell at them when needed.
I will continue to look for a job that will fit into my crazy life and hopefully it will be makeup and facials, if not i will still keep going and keep trying because thats what its all about. Never Never Give up! God gives us dreams and if we keep at it they will come true. And i always have my morning makeup application that gives me a break in my crazy day. Maybe today i will get out of the house for just a bit and feel like something other than the maid. Have a Great Day.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Today i think is the day that things will change for me . I think that every day so far nothing is changing. I still wake up every morning and put on my makeup and sit in my house with my kids. I keep dreaming that tomorrow is it, but still waiting for thay day to come.
As a mom doing my makeup is sometimes the highlight of my day.. what a exciting life i lead... its great! Well i just keep smiling. Someday the dreamhouse will be mine and i will be doing make up for weddings , but right now im just going to hang in there and keep dreaming .. i may even go back to school ...